Lea Bridge Road / quiet route

As part of the mini Holland commission what if: projects have developed the urban design for the cycle superhighway along Lea Bridge Road. The implementation of a new cycle bridge commenced in the autumn 2015. Located in the Lee Valley Park the new cycle bridge spans the former aqueduct, a walking and cycle route connecting Dover to the Shetland Isles.

“Good to see high quality proposals for cycling infrastructure and also benefits for people walking. I particularly like the bold approach of the new bridge – nice too see something being done properly rather than shoe-horning sub-standard facilities in to existing situations.”
https://leabridgeroad.commonplace.is, online engagement, Nov.-Dec. 2015

“Peering through a fence at the start of what will become the greatest ever borough cycling scheme. Lea Bridge Road.”
(Brian Deegan, TfL, 16.05.2016)

  • dates:
    2015 – 2017
  • commissioned by:
    London Borough of Walthamstow
  • awards:

    Architect of the Year Awards 2016, infrastructure (shortlist)
    New London Architecture Award 2016, transport & infrastructure (winner)

  • photography:

    Alexander Christie

  • links:

    Lea Bridge Road online consultation